Northwest Middle School
I’m constantly running
On rough terrain.
Some days I feel
I may go insane.
I am chastised for
The color of my skin.
It seems there is no place
That I can fit in,
Too white to be black.
And too black to be white,
It seems I exist
Only to fight.
By the same spirit
We have all been created
But from my own kind
I have been berated.
I long for kind words
But only receive cruelty.
People notice my skin,
But ignore my ingenuity.
I hope and I wait
For a better day
One when my children
Are free to say
Accept me for what
I am inside
There’s beauty in us all
We don’t want to hide
I am as good as you
So just let me be me
Stop judging this person
By what you think you see
But for now all I can do
Is just live each day
And overcome the obstacles
That may come my way.